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2 Translation results for ramble in Spanish

verb | noun

ramble verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rambled, has rambled, is rambling, rambles
pasear, deambular; trepar (dícese de una planta)

Example sentences of
ramble verb

  • She rambled for several minutes before introducing the main speaker.
  • He's funny, but he tends to ramble.

Detailed synonyms for ramble verb

See: Wander

ramble noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
paseo, excursión

Example sentences of
ramble noun

  • We went for a ramble along the beach.
  • He encountered many interesting people in his rambles in the country.
  • The first chapter is a 100-page ramble.
  • We had to listen to another one of his long rambles about politics and religion.

Phrasal verbs for ramble

Reverse translation for ramble

pasear  - to stroll, to take a walk, to go for a ride, to take for a walk, to parade around, to show off 
deambular  - to wander, to roam 
trepar  (dícese de una planta) - to climb, to creep, to spread (of a plant) 
paseo  - walk, stroll, ride, outing, trip, avenue, walk 
excursión  - excursion, outing